Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Will Google become the Walmart of Web Search ?????

Will Google become the Walmart of Web Search ?????

Is Google narrowing our panoroma of websearch ???

Is Google killing all the creativity in web search ???

are we blindly following google ????

is google the end of websearch ????

are we taking google for granted ?????

I dont why but these random thoughts suddenly struck me today ...when i saw a new service by google "Google trends".

How many times you visit any other site for web search and not Google....

I workship google for its creativity .......but guys gimme a break .....

monopoly kills creativity ....look at your microsoft office suite ...what has changed in last 4-5 years in MS word ,excel,outlook.........same things with some flashy features ....pardon me microsoft lovers .....but i am really waiting for the open office project to come ...

ok back to google i being very cynical about google ???....I donno ..but i really feel there has to be something better out there always ......or it can be created ....

will pump in more later .....


Sandip said...

Agree... but let's not compare the two giants MS and G here, as it comes to monopoly. Look at the business model Ggle has followed and success story has produced more income sources to numerous internet users besides the Giant itself... Innovation deserves credit even if it comes in competative business. I am sure they will be way ahead of the rest on this path and will lead many miles ahead of others even as the world takes a note of what's boiling in there presently!

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.