Thursday, March 29, 2007

Let the blame game begin !!!!

Kitanay addmi the ..opps nahi ..Kitanay bacche the .....sardar 12 ..aur TUM 12 aadmi ...Bahut na insaafi hai....

Life after WC exit ........

As there are lot of blame rockets thrown all over the place ...I would like to have some ..
I think no individual alone can be held responsible for the debacle ....but the onus of the debacle lies on the 12 players that are on the field. They are the one who are responsible for each event that occurs on the field and leads to the result of the game..
We all know that indian players are very good atlete and lack physical built and strenght ...may be its how we are raised ...But It all boils down to the level of commitment that all the players have on the field....
If you have closely observed each indian player during the bangladesh game on the field would have noticed the lethargy they have shown on the field....there was no real commitment from any of the players ....I have noticed yuraj singh who is supposed to be the young blood in the team ..yawning on the field when india was in crunch sutiation ...this was disgusting to frustrating to watch ....
I think there is a notion of taking things granted in the indian cricket team ...there is a feeling that once you get into the team are the star and for the billion people you are the god ....
If you have seen the indian practice sessions ...they lack the enthu and energy in the field...indian players think they are born crickters and have magical powers ...they dont have to work hard to get it right ....this is not the case with others teams...they work really really hard for what the are on the field in crunch conditions .....
So unless and untill this attitude doesnt goes from the indian camp ...there will be no success for India