Sunday, April 23, 2006

Migrant Babblers...

So here begins the season when members from babblers community are seen migrating to and fro native nests to their open skies ... After eventful gathering in New York where these rowdies counted off atleast 35 by-lanes to get a glimpse of that magic fireball (was it seen at the end? is still a mystery atleast as seen in the blab-video) on last nite of last year, there they were again here in Pune, dusting off the Pune roads ready to usher in yet another season of torrential rains ;-)
Occasion being: two of the babblers Panku and Pappu Kangi finally finding a net to settle down in... and Ramji Londonwaale touching down on Indian soil under annual migration plan from Tech Mahindra.... As usual it was sort of small get-to-gether at the current host Sandy's room (that this author still likes to call his nest as ;-) ) Some rare species of white-sox of babblers community also blessed the occasion... After visiting common kattas and sipping into their respective favorite drinks off they are now to MG road to loot some junk clothes from some road side sale after which all will try their best to show off their best looks in a private ramp walk ;-) in evening fashion show.... Check this space for photos of the same...

Signing off on behalf of Pankya, duffer, satyis, milya and suhas...

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